Library & Tech
Today a Reader Tomorrow a Leader
In a world built on virtually limitless access to information, St. Peter's believes in meeting the demands of a digitally connected world. The library referred to as the Wonder Center for Reading, Research, and Creative Learning, is an accessible, physical space dedicated to interdisciplinary exploration for students to conceptualize and contextualize the act of searching for information. This space integrates the conventional role of a library with the vast educational possibilities of technology. Students are encouraged to experiment and research, share creative ideas, collaborate on projects, and explore the connections between different subjects. Library World management system allows teachers to easily access library resources with their classrooms, compelling students to further explore and help build intellectual stamina.
​Responsive to the needs of teachers and students, The Wonder Center is also an ever-evolving resource, expanding its collection of physical and virtual assets so that students can continually compile and assimilate information into new knowledge.