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House System

St. Peter's Episcopal School House System (Est. 2017-2018)

St. Peter's School prides its sense of community and family through its "House System". Designed to serve as an extension of the school's mission and vision, the House System is made up of four houses-Faithfulness (Red), Philanthropy (Yellow), Wisdom (Blue), and Wonder (Green). The Houses ultimately bring together students, faculty, and staff, creating a supportive environment where all students are welcomed and valued. Participants can demonstrate loyalty and allegiance, no matter the age or grade level, while contributing to the success of their House. Students, faculty, and staff are also provided with an increased feeling of identity and belonging. 

At the beginning of each school year, students as well as new faculty/staff members participate in a special House Sorting Ceremony where participants are welcomed into their house for the duration of their educational experience at St. Peter's School.

During the year, students have the opportunity to earn House points by displaying quality character traits and simple acts of kindness. House competitions and specific academic goals may also contribute to House points.

At the conclusion of the school year, House Games stir great excitement and involvement, by promoting positive self-esteem and team spirit. Constant and consistent encouragement amongst House mates, regardless of one's level of academic, athletic, and/or artistic abilities, ultimately drives positive relationships which in turn support our Episcopal identity.